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How Emotional Intelligence Supports Coaching Presence

Have you ever considered how emotional intelligence supports your coaching presence? Psychology Today defines emotional intelligence as “the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others.” The International Coach Federation notes a key component of coaching presence (competency #4): “demonstrates confidence in working with strong emotions and can self-manage and [...]

By |2016-04-14T06:05:21-05:00April 14th, 2016|Articles|

Michael Gerber on Developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset

Listen on Apple Podcasts | Download Podcast If you’re tired of reinventing the entrepreneurial wheel, this podcast has the formula you need. Listen in as Michael Gerber unpacks the intricacies of a successful small business mindset. You’ll uncover: Why it’s critical for anyone looking at income generation over the next 20 years to [...]

By |2019-04-10T13:09:14-05:00April 12th, 2016|Professional Christian Coaching Today|

Coach Training Literally Changed My Life: Linda Slaton CPLC

Listen on Apple Podcasts | Download Podcast Inside-out change always ripples out to impact our attitudes, our actions, our relationships, and our results. This is the transformation today’s guest, Linda Slaton, experienced when she went through coach training. Now through her book Embracing Purpose, Linda is taking that learning to churches, to prisons, [...]

By |2019-04-10T13:17:37-05:00February 16th, 2016|Professional Christian Coaching Today|

Coaching High Capacity Leaders with Greg Leith, CEO of Convene

Listen on Apple Podcasts | Download Podcast When business excellence marries Biblical values, amazing things happen. Join Chris and Kim as they interview Greg Leith and discover how to redeem and retake the Monday through Friday marketplace for God. In this episode you’ll hear discussions around: The place of professional grade Christian coaching [...]

By |2019-04-13T15:28:18-05:00December 15th, 2015|Professional Christian Coaching Today|

Gratitude: The Hidden Benefits of Thankfulness with Susan Whitcomb, PCC

Listen on Apple Podcasts | Download Podcast November ushers in a season devoted to giving thanks, but gratitude can benefit us throughout the year. In today’s episode, featuring special guest Susan Whitcomb, PCC, we will discuss the science of gratitude and how to activate it in your life and the lives of your [...]

By |2019-04-13T15:30:02-05:00November 24th, 2015|Professional Christian Coaching Today|

Marketing Skills: How to Attract New Coaching Clients

Building a website, getting on Facebook, tweeting three times a day, search engine optimization, article marketing, highlighting keywords… with all the marketing techniques available, it’s no wonder you feel overwhelmed. Much like a parent who is busy buying every toy available for his child that he forgets to spend time with him, a conscientious coach [...]

By |2015-10-28T15:28:14-05:00October 28th, 2015|Articles|

A Vision Worth Sharing

Listen on Apple Podcasts | Download Podcast Hosts Christopher McCluskey and Kim Avery celebrate 15 years of distinctly Christian coaching and the 5th anniversary of the Professional Christian Coaching Institute while casting an expanded vision for the future. This broader view extends beyond addressing the needs of professional Christian coaches to speaking to [...]

By |2019-04-13T15:35:50-05:00October 20th, 2015|Professional Christian Coaching Today|