Why Alice in Wonderland Needs a Niche

“What is your problem?” asked the Cheshire Cat. Bewildered, Alice replied, “I don’t know which road to take.” “Where are you going?” the Cat asked. “I don’t know,” said Alice. “Then it really doesn’t matter which road you take!” replied the Cheshire Cat. And he’s right. Whether you live in Wonderland or Hoboken, if you [...]

By |2016-02-18T14:10:16-06:00February 18th, 2016|Articles|

Grace for God’s Good Kids

I have often wondered: Is there grace for God’s good kids? I always thought the only answer to a request—especially a “good” request—was “yes.” Would you show up an hour early on Sunday morning to set up chairs for worship? Yes We need more people to serve coffee and doughnuts between services. Could you help? Yes [...]

By |2016-01-20T09:00:15-06:00January 20th, 2016|Articles|

Self-Management for Coach and Client

  Self-Management for Coach When it comes to self-management: Sometimes I float like a butterfly, enjoying the freedom I have in Christ to manage my self through the lens of grace Sometimes I forge ahead like a race horse, enjoying the boundaries I have in Christ to manage my self through the lens of mercy [...]

By |2016-01-13T09:00:30-06:00January 13th, 2016|Articles|

Master-Full Coaching Through Active Listening

"In some South Pacific cultures, a speaker holds a conch shell as a symbol of temporary position of authority. Leaders must understand who holds the conch—that is, who should be listened to and when." Max De Pree, Author It’s the art of Master-full coaching through active listening. On a sweltering summer day, I laid my [...]

By |2016-01-06T09:00:48-06:00January 6th, 2016|Articles|

Creating Successful Change Through Coaching

Coaching is a co-created relationship, which facilitates creating successful change. It doesn’t happen in one session or during any set span of time; however it gradually takes shape through the coaching process, as coach and client partner together for success. Start S.M.A.R.T. to reach the G.O.A.L. Most of the time, we focus on large tasks [...]

By |2015-12-30T09:00:36-06:00December 30th, 2015|Articles|

Convey Coaching Value: 1 Solid Strategy

You wanted to become a coach, but you're not sure how to convey coaching value. You invested in coaching education, but you're not sure how to successfully apply it. You wrote a business plan, but you're not sure if it will succeed. Now what. What will propel you forward and grow your business? ICF Competency #7: Direct Communication It’s one of the [...]

By |2015-12-23T09:00:10-06:00December 23rd, 2015|Articles|

Redeeming a Disengaged Workforce

Did you know: roughly 90% of the worldwide workforce is disengaged (Gallup, 2013)? “We need to redeem the marketplace,” says Greg Leith, CEO, Convene (2015). “If great coaches can ask great questions, we will pull out the latent energy [and] begin to reflect [the] God who loves people, to a culture that is going off [...]

By |2015-12-17T10:53:39-06:00December 17th, 2015|Articles|

Finding Balance in Life and Work

“Balance is not about making everything even.” ~Co-active Coaching (2011) Life seemed out of balance. I worked too much, played too little and longed for the type of life in which everything landed on an even keel. I believed it possible until a wise woman spoke truth into my soul: “There is no such thing [...]

By |2015-11-24T10:34:06-06:00November 24th, 2015|Articles|

Simple 3-Step Process for Moving Toward Getting What You Want

Jim (not his real name) reached out to me for coaching, stuck to the point of wanting to give up. With his whole heart, Jim wanted to break out of the corporate world and start his own Information Technology Consulting (IT) Firm. His resume included extensive IT experience. His toolbox contained everything imaginable to build [...]

By |2015-11-19T13:33:41-06:00November 19th, 2015|Articles|