How to Make Sound Business Decisions as a Christian Solopreneur

How do you make sound business decisions as a Christian solopreneur? If you’ve not heard the term before, a solopreneur, as defined by the Urban Dictionary, is: “An entrepreneur who works alone, “solo,” running their business single-handedly. They might have contractors for hire, yet they have full responsibility for the running of their business.”    [...]

By |2013-10-17T07:53:16-05:00October 17th, 2013|Articles|

Computer Backup and Recovery Services for Coaches

If your hard drive crashes, and your business files die a sudden death, what would you do? For most, the task of finding a computer backup and recovery service that protects your business data and preserves your peace of mind can feel overwhelming. Don’t wait until your data disappears to put a plan in place. [...]

By |2013-10-15T07:27:25-05:00October 15th, 2013|Articles|

Work as Play: The Tom Sawyer Effect

In his best-selling book, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, author Daniel Pink borrows a page from Mark Twain in explaining the power of mindset around work and play.  We all recall how Tom Sawyer hoodwinked his friends into whitewashing Aunt Polly’s fence by convincing them it was a privilege, not an obligation. [...]

By |2013-10-10T07:12:50-05:00October 10th, 2013|Articles|

Never “Sell” Coaching Again

I’m the world’s worst salesperson. Really. I couldn’t sell mittens to a freezing Eskimo. So, for me to try to sell coaching to people who still think that all coaches have whistles hanging around their necks, the game is over before it begins. You know. You’ve been there. First, we have to hunt down a [...]

By |2013-10-08T07:57:06-05:00October 8th, 2013|Articles|

Taking Christian Coaching to the World

There’s a new movement afoot in Christian coaching — cross-cultural and missionary coaching.  And I’m thrilled to be a part of it. For more than 21 years, I’ve been a friend and supporter of Maureen Menard and her international team of YWAM leaders. She’s caught the vision for the tremendous impact individual and corporate coaching [...]

By |2013-09-23T07:18:27-05:00September 23rd, 2013|Articles|

"Life Coach" Defined: Merriam-Webster Gets It Wrong

Merriam-Webster Dictionary recently published its definition of “Life Coach.” Unfortunately, they got it wrong. While it’s gratifying to have our profession recognized, the critical noun they used to define it is woefully inaccurate. Webster’s Dictionary defines “Life Coach” as "(noun) an advisor who helps people make decisions, set and reach goals, or deal with problems." [...]

By |2013-09-02T07:58:46-05:00September 2nd, 2013|Articles|

Advice for Starting Your Coaching Business

“It’s easier to steer a moving vehicle.” That’s the response I give to questions about how to effectively launch a coaching business. It may sound trite and even foolish but, truly, my best advice when starting your coaching business is simply to start. Engage people you already know in conversations about how coaching could help [...]

By |2013-08-27T08:39:42-05:00August 27th, 2013|Articles|

Growing Your Coaching Business in Tough Economic Times

"I’m afraid people won’t pay for coaching now. They can’t afford it, and unemployment is too high." I’ve heard these words repeatedly over the past couple of years, and based on what I see in the news, I understand why. It’s conventional wisdom. “Everybody knows it.” The problem is this: It is simply, and absolutely, [...]

By |2013-08-20T07:49:36-05:00August 20th, 2013|Articles|