“I can gladly recommend this time-tested, solidly Christian, telephone based coach training program.”
Gary Collins, Ph.D.
Best-selling author of Christian Coaching

“PCCI is the exclusive trainer for our CEO group Chairs throughout the U.S. & Canada.”
Greg Leith
CEO of Convene

“I came away with new skills in listening and asking questions. Ultimately, I will now focus more of my energy on helping our leaders become better coaches.”
Marc Rutter
Director of Leadership Development
Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru)

“Christopher McCluskey is the Father of Christian Coaching, and PCCI is the Mother of all training programs. I highly recommend it!”
Dan Miller
Professional Coach & Best-Selling Author
48 Days to the Work You Love

“With more than 6,000 adults and students in small groups, we are constantly looking for material that will help our staff team learn together, develop as leaders and better “coach” our coaches. This training has provided this and much more. It has challenged the way we view our role as leaders! I highly recommend it.”
Bill Willits
Director of Life Groups
North Point Community Church