PCCI provides all live training, via Zoom videoconference, enabling real-time feedback, Q&A, role play demonstrations, case presentations, and supervision of your practice-coaching.
All classes are taught live, via high-definition Zoom videoconference so you can literally attend from anywhere in the world – even from a remote mission field.
PCCI training is at the college/graduate level, honoring and integrating your Christian worldview and involving core texts and skills that are foundational in professional coaching.
The ICF has approved our program as both a Level 1 and Level 2 Certificate program, and every course at PCCI is aligned with ICF standards and is approved for Coach Education Hours to be applied toward your ICF credential or for CCE’s if you’re already credentialed.
Our instruction is based upon a European model of adult education with no written papers or tests, and no grades given. You will read several of the classic texts in this field followed by live discussion and lecture on the material in class, supervised and unsupervised practice-coaching in a telebridge lab setting, private journaling exercises to personalize the material, and live coaching demonstrations.
From a Learning Theory perspective, this is an extremely holistic approach to instruction – reading, journaling, lecture, Q&A, role play, case presentation, peer labs using a structured ICF observation form, and live supervision of practice in class.
Such a comprehensive style has been proven to train in a whole-person manner, incorporating both hemispheres of the brain and dramatically increasing comprehension & integration.
You will experience a transformational process within your ‘being’, as well as in your skills for ‘doing’.
PCCI integrates a distinctly Christian worldview throughout, as presented in our foundational text, Christian Coaching: Helping Others Turn Potential Into Reality, by Dr. Gary Collins.
All of our instructors are strong in the Faith and take a mainline, non-denominational approach to the Truth of Scripture and the importance of Christian values & morality in all areas of life.
We honor and incorporate your faith – training Christians to become professional coaches, not training ‘coaches who happen to be Christians’.
A passage that beautifully expresses our view of the role of a Christian coach is Proverbs 20:5, “The purposes of a man’s heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out.”
We equip you to draw out the deep waters of purpose from people’s hearts, serving both Christian & non-Christian clientele, without imposing your worldviews or agendas upon them.
We firmly believe that the real learning of anything begins when you start doing it, so our training encourages a tremendous amount of hands-on learning from the beginning. We encourage new coaches to start taking on clients within their first few months of training and, as a result, better than 50% of our students secure paying clients before completion of our introductory courses, The Essentials of Life Coaching or The Essentials of Leadership Coaching.
This enables you to grow your private practice and increase your income while taking additional coursework over time in an ‘a la carte’ fashion.
At PCCI, your training costs are truly an investment – many students recoup their entire tuition costs by securing private clients before their coursework is even completed.
All of our course tuitions are moderately priced and have extended payment plans available.
We offer business development & marketing classes to get you earning a solid income – fast. Our highly-acclaimed course, The Successful Coach, has been privately contracted by entire denominations and teams of coaches because of its strength in launching successful coaching practices.
We also provide ongoing business support through Power Lunch, our monthly live community and private online discussion group. We are firmly committed to the financial & business success of our PCCI family.
PCCI provides a wide range of advanced specialty classes, enabling you to brand & niche yourself in the marketplace.
Advanced courses include some of the hottest niches in coaching, such as Leadership Coaching, Career Coaching, Group Coaching, Culturally Competent Coaching, Coaching Work Teams, and Coaching for Spiritual Formation, with new courses added every year.
PCCI offers certification (CPLC) only after true competence has been demonstrated – no ‘rubber stamps’ here. Many training programs offer ‘certifications’ of highly questionable value, requiring little to no supervised practice or evaluated skill.
Our Certified Professional Life Coaches (CPLC) and Certified Professional Leadership Coaching (CPLC) have demonstrated proficiency in four core courses – either The Essentials of Life Coaching OR The Essentials of Leadership Coaching (43 hrs.), Coaching Skills Development (34 hrs.), Coaching Skills Mastery (31 hrs.), and Ethical Practice & Liability Risk Management (10 hrs.)
Additionally, they have been mentor coached by an ICF-certified coach (PCC or MCC) and have passed a final Performance Evaluation by ICF-credentialed coach evaluators.
Our certifications carry real weight – you will be CONFIDENT as a coach because you are COMPETENT as a coach.
All PCCI instructors are ICF-certified and our training is aligned with ICF standards & code of ethics, the ‘gold standard’ of this profession.
PCCI’s founder & president, Christopher McCluskey, is a pioneer and thought leader in the field, and has been called by many the ‘Father of Christian Coaching’. He established the world’s first distinctly Christian coach training program accredited by the ICF (through a previous institute) in 2000, and is a founding board member of both the Christian Coaches Network and Christian Coaching Magazine.
A best-selling author and popular keynote speaker, Chris is co-host of the top-rated podcast “Professional Christian Coaching Today” and has been interviewed in numerous books & magazines including Christian Coaching by Dr. Gary Collins, Therapist as Life Coach by Dr. Patrick Williams, Christian Counseling Today magazine, Psychotherapy Networker, Focus on the Family publications, Marriage Partnership, ChristianityToday.com, Ladies Home Journal, Marriage & Family Journal, Psychotherapy Finances, Christian Coaching Magazine, and many others.
His is a prominent voice shaping our profession, serving on several boards and frequently presenting at national and international conferences. Chris has authored or co-authored all PCCI curriculum and has assembled here the largest faculty of ICF-certified Christian coaches in the world.
Dr. Gary Collins states, “More than any other person, Christopher McCluskey introduced me to coaching and has been a prime encourager as I have taken formal training, grown as a coach trainer, and written this book.” (Christian Coaching: Helping Others Turn Potential Into Reality, © 2001, 2009, p 246.)
PCCI’s motto is “Raising the Standard”, and we mean it. We are raising the standard of professionalism among coaches who bear the name of Christ and we are raising the ‘royal standard’ of Jesus Christ in the arena of this profession.
Professional Christian Coaching Institute is the school that integrates
- Sound Christian Faith
- Strong Coaching Competencies
- Solid Business Practices
- Supportive Professional Community
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