Grow Your Business with Group Coaching

Looking for a way to bring in more clients? Why not give group coaching a try? Group coaching is a great way to attract new clients. It’s also a good way to grow your business, strengthen your coaching skills, and increase your profit margin. In her book Effective Group Coaching: Tried and Tested Tools and [...]

By |2015-05-18T14:00:07-05:00May 18th, 2015|Articles|

The COACH Model™ for Christian Leaders

If you are a Christian leadership coach, chances are you spend time working not only with individual leaders but also with the organizations they represent. Whether you’re working with individuals or organizations, church staff or ministry leaders, you need powerful tools and techniques to help maximize their effectiveness. The Coach Model™, developed by Dr. Keith [...]

By |2015-05-14T10:16:20-05:00May 14th, 2015|Articles|

What's the Difference Between Coaching for Spiritual Formation and Spiritual Direction

“What is the difference between coaching for spiritual formation and spiritual direction?” a prospect asked during an introductory call last week. As I stammered to explain the difference, I realized I didn’t have a satisfying answer. So, I’ve spent the last few days mentally formulating a response to that question. Before talking about their distinctions, [...]

By |2015-05-12T17:13:30-05:00May 12th, 2015|Articles|

The Transforming Power of Reflection

“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” ― Søren Kierkegaard If we are to grow ourselves, we must first know ourselves. Self-reflection is a powerful tool for human development, personally and collectively. In coaching, reflection begins with the Welcome Packet, inviting clients to reflect on areas of their lives that are working well [...]

By |2015-05-05T16:42:16-05:00May 5th, 2015|Articles|

Brain Science and Coaching

How does coaching change the brain? What is neuroplasticity? How can we help our clients move forward using neuroscience? Is it possible to integrate current brain science research into a non-directive model of coaching? Brain science is all the rage in coaching circles these days. So much so that CHOICE Magazine, a publication of the [...]

By |2015-04-24T09:20:09-05:00April 24th, 2015|Articles|

Stages of Leadership Development Model— Part 3

We’ve been examining a model of leadership development, created by Dr. J. Robert Clinton, an assistant professor at Fuller Theological Seminary, as detailed in his book, The Making of a Leader. In this final installment to our series, we’ll unpack the final two phases, Phase IV, Life Maturing, and Phase V, Convergence. Dr. Clinton defines [...]

By |2015-04-20T14:23:13-05:00April 20th, 2015|Articles|

Stages of Leadership Development Model— Part 2

Earlier this week, we began an exploration of leadership development, focusing on a model created by Dr. J. Robert Clinton and detailed in his book, The Making of a Leader. In it, he identifies five distinct phases of leadership development. We covered Phase I: Sovereign Foundations, and Phase II: Inner-Life Growth on Monday. Today, we [...]

By |2015-04-17T12:15:36-05:00April 17th, 2015|Articles|

Stages of Leadership Development Model— Part 1

As a Christian leadership coach, I’m always looking for resources to increase by knowledge and broaden my understanding of leadership development so that I might better serve my clients. While many helpful resources exist, I find myself returning repeatedly to one, The Making of a Leader: Recognizing the Lessons and Stages of Leadership Development by [...]

By |2015-04-13T13:23:58-05:00April 13th, 2015|Articles|

Barnabus–The Penultimate Leader Developer

I believe that Jesus is the Ultimate Leader Developer.  He chose ordinary, uneducated men (according to Acts 4:13) and they turned the world upside down because “they had been with Jesus." I love what Gunter Krallman says, “On the basis of such ‘with-ness’ Jesus generated a dynamic process of life-transference which was meant to foster [...]

By |2015-04-10T06:23:09-05:00April 10th, 2015|Articles|