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Multiplying strengths for Kingdom results yields outcomes beyond your wildest dreams or imagination. But don’t take our word for it. Today, you’ll hear from our guest expert: the first Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach in the world. Together, we’ll glean both practical and theoretical information on how to maximize the CliftonStrengths StrengthsFinder Assessment.
Authenticate your calling and purpose as you:
- Learn how to unpack your specific strengths so you can lean into and lead with multiplied talents and investments.
- Think through your personal and professional vision, as you stand on Bedrock Truths and become stronger with a fortified vision.
- Clear up the mess and confusion around figuring out what work God has called you to, so you can become clear about how to carry out your mission.
- Understand how to apply strengths to emotional intelligence, so you can become more adept in an area crucial to great leadership.
- Apply your strengths to business-building, so you can catapult your coaching practice, even in the midst of the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic.
About Brent O’Bannon
Brent O’Bannon is a PCC and the first GALLUP-Certified Strengths Coach in the world.
He coaches and champions leaders, entrepreneurs, and multi-million dollar companies to grow stronger, work smarter, and live richer with their strengths.
Brent teaches the PCCI Strengths Based Coaching course and is a recent Amazon #1 best-selling author of Selling Strengths: A Little Book for Executive and Life Coaches About Using Your Strengths to Get Paying Clients.
Learn more about Brent at
Strengths-Based Coaching Class starts September 28, 2020. Learn more here:
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