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You can tell a lot about a person by his or her handwriting, and in this episode, we’re looking at how handwriting analysis can be helpful to coaches. It’s a fascinating and important topic.
Tune in to learn:
- How to discern traits, integrity, willpower and coach-ability through content and actual handwriting, so you can be proactive around addressing hesitancies.
- How Applied Psychology can increase awareness of what drives people, so you can become a better coach and call out the best in others.
- Plus, take a live self-assessment during the podcast and walk away with tools you can use today!
About Dale Roberts
With all of the unusual accomplishments Dale has achieved during his lifetime, from a successful career as a financial advisor, to professional speaking, to commercial acting, to handwriting analysis, Dale has always had the sense that there was something more he was “called” to do.
That call began to become clear when a door opened for Dale in 2003, with the opportunity to experience the “Life Plan” process, an intense two day, one-on-one session which is based on Tom Paterson’s excellent book “Living the Life You Were Meant to Live.” Life Planning takes a person deep into exploration of one’s life purpose, and Dale was so intrigued by that process that in 2004 he became a Life Plan Facilitator. He has facilitated the Life Plan process for many clients over the past fifteen years and says, “I have never felt more called!”
But somehow Dale felt there was still one more “piece of the puzzle” missing. That piece, he discovered, was Professional Life Coaching. Dale received his training and certification as a Professional Life Coach through Professional Christian Coaching Institute, and the puzzle was complete. His 30 years of working in financial services, honing his handwriting analysis skills, practicing the Life Plan process, writing, speaking, coaching, and volunteering in ministry to men and families affected by disability, all came together to bring Dale to this point in time.
Learn more about Dale and pick up his book, “Write Insights: A Basic Guide to Handwriting Analysis” at
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