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Career coaching is a popular and in-demand coaching niche, and in today’s episode, we’ll give you a helpful roadmap with the information you need to start coaching clients. Whether your prospects are jobless or desire a career change, you can help them get the job or career they most want.
Tune in to learn how to:
- Reach out to the 2/3 of the workforce is not engaged or excited about their work.
- Explore 3 primary areas in which you can work with your clients and get paid to do more than career coaching.
- Employ practical tools that bolster effective career coaching, so you can provide the best services to your clients.
- Find the specific clients who hire career coaches, so you can launch your new niche.
About Evelyn Kaufman
Helping others design a career and life they can be passionate about is what Evelyn enjoys most. She is an energetic, yet thought provoking Coach having received training from the Institute of Life Coach Training, and the Career Coach Academy. She is a Certified Life Coach, Certified Career Management Coach, and Certified Career Direct Consultant. Evelyn has over 30 years of experience in the corporate and business world and holds an MBA.
With a desire to help others be the best they can be, Evelyn developed a program called The GPS Coach™. This program helps professionals create intention, focus, and strategy in order to reach their career destination. GPS stands for Get Positioned for Success.
As a Trainer and Workshop presenter her topics include Why Can’t You be Normal, Like Me?, Living Your Mission, Career Branding, and Avoiding Career Derailment. Evelyn works with a variety of local businesses, national companies and non-profit organizations including: Interpersonal Healthcare Solutions LLC, UPS, The Center for Non-Profit Excellence, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Necole’s Place, Worthington Fire District and Ford Assembly Plant.
Evelyn is a member of the International Coach Federation, ICF Ohio Valley Coaches and Christian Coaches Network.
Giving back to her community, Evelyn has served as a volunteer senior arbitrator for the Better Business Bureau and worked with middle school children with Junior Achievement.
Evelyn is very active in her church having served in the New Member ministry and Care ministry for a number of years. She lives with her husband, Gerald in the Louisville Metro area.
Connect with Evelyn at:, or get her Free Career Assessment at
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