About maryyerkes

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So far maryyerkes has created 93 blog entries.

Content Marketing for Coaches: It's All about Relationships

If you are a coach who is new to content marketing, you may be wondering what it is. Copyblogger Media, which built its business on producing and publishing compelling content, defines it this way: Content Marketing means creating and sharing valuable free content to attract and convert prospects into customers, and customers into repeat buyers. The [...]

By |2013-11-12T07:36:37-06:00November 12th, 2013|Articles|

You are the Message: Why Your Appearance Matters

“You are the message,” the phrase made popular by Roger Ailes' book of the same name holds important lessons for Christian coaches. He makes the point that when you communicate with someone, it’s not just your words that send a message, it’s everything about you. It is a scientific fact that such visual cues as [...]

By |2013-11-05T07:13:04-06:00November 5th, 2013|Articles|