The world needs a Christian coaching movement. I’ve seen the good things that come from coaching, God’s grace poured out behind the scenes whether the client asked for God’s grace or not. I’ve seen the good things that come from walking with Christ. Put them together and it’s dynamite!
Ooh, to sense the wind of the Spirit during a coaching call. To see the Father’s will make itself clearer like it’s seeking to be found. To have the fellowship of Jesus as He draws near. These are all gifts given to the Christian coach for the benefit of bringing out the Father’s will in the life of the client.
The world needs a Christian coaching movement for its glorious outcomes. They are truly out of this world.
Here are 95 outcomes of Christian coaching.
- To discover your best life rather than design it
- To partner with the Spirit not just positive thinking
- To affirm your hope and future rather than hope for the best
- To pray in agreement with your coach rather than just start
- To hear the whispers of the Father in the place you need to hear them
- To fulfill your purpose rather than miss it
- To receive more power than the power within
- To become a new creation rather than doomed to repeat the past
- To boast in weakness and not be embarrassed about it
- To walk in Christ’s power instead of your own
- To embrace suffering not avoid it
- To admit brokenness not mask it
- To let the Gospel transform you instead of treating it as foolishness
- To renew your mind by truth rather than what feels good
- To honor Christ instead of yourself
- To ask for wisdom from on high instead of knowledge from down here
- To activate your spiritual gifts instead of leaving them dormant
- To have a healthy soul revived by God
- To raise children to put God first
- To receive coaching from a Christian worldview
- To understand how God made you rather than think it’s by chance
- To love your spouse with a love that is out of this world
- To pursue what matters most
- To become like Jesus
- To enlarge your view of Christ
- To see God working in your life
- To point yourself Christ-ward instead of inward
- To increase love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control
- To acknowledge the effects of sin rather than ignore them
- To take your place in the Church universal
- To overcome obstacles with supernatural power rather than will power
- To affirm your worth as created by God
- To dismantle hindering beliefs
- To see yourself as God does
- To ask questions God would ask
- To be more intimate with your Heavenly Father
- To be coached from shared values
- To mobilize thousands of Christian coaches
- To glorify God not self
- To pick up your cross daily even when it hurts
- To create a plan for spiritual growth rather than trying haphazardly
- To honor your body as the temple of the Holy Spirit
- To work for the LORD not man
- To advance God’s Kingdom instead of be neutral
- To embrace your identity in Christ
- To be invited into the life of Christ rather than ignoring the invitation
- To put off shallow living once and for all
- To think beyond this little world
- To know God is near
- To be filled with the Spirit more than yourself
- To be reminded of God’s Word that is living and active
- To do the works God prepared for you rather than plan your own nice things
- To be charged in your calling when you don’t feel like it
- To pursue spiritual disciplines that help you grow
- To understand your faith journey
- To find your best prayer types
- To sanctify your strengths not idolize them
- To feel loved by God inside and out
- To share your faith with others
- To put on gratitude instead of greed
- To use spiritual weapons that are not of this world
- To see you have an enemy who is not of this world
- To foster the image of God in you
- To call out your true self
- To let God shape you because he knows you best
- To make your life count for eternity not just today
- To rest in God’s promises
- To dethrone humanity and enthrone Christ
- To forgive because God forgave you
- To bring Christ to your work
- To point your strengths toward spiritual growth
- To think God’s thoughts about your enemies
- To become more loving by not expecting anything back
- To face your fears with the one who will never leave you
- To follow the Holy Spirit into risk and reward
- To decrease so Christ may increase
- To see others as God does
- To make your life not about you
- To stand firm in your faith
- To challenge mindsets that sound good but are not
- To walk by faith not by sight
- To understand God’s will for your life
- To ask for support and be okay with asking
- To enjoy God forever
- To surrender to the one who made you
- To wear your spiritual armor
- To do greater works than Jesus
- To love God more than you love yourself
- To have a coaching session that echoes in eternity
- To conform your dreams to God’s desires
- To awaken your spirit not just your soul
- To trust the process by trusting God
- To receive the grace of God
- To be the object of God’s pleasure
- To walk in grace not works
Let’s do our part in this movement.
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