“God has not called me to be successful; He has called me to be faithful.” Mother Teresa
I find it so easy to get caught up in the numbers of my coaching business. How many clients do I have? How much revenue is my business generating? How much money do I need to make coaching a full-time living? At times, I can get caught up so much in the numbers and in trying to be successful that I forget why God called me to life coaching in the first place.
I am not saying building a successful coaching practice is an inherently bad thing. Those of us called to coaching want to have maximum impact on people’s lives and that requires growing your business and having clients. However, those things in themselves will not bring you contentment apart from a firmly rooted relationship with Jesus Christ.
I have a continual struggle with patience in growing my coaching business. There have been ups and downs and it never seems to grow as fast as I believe it should! The quote from Mother Teresa helps me to stay grounded. A simple reminder that God did not call me to coaching to be successful, but rather to be faithful. This helps me to focus less on the numbers and more on serving the clients I do have to the best of my ability. After all, God’s math is not our math.
Wherever you are on your Christian coaching journey, I hope this helps you. Whether you are just starting out or are well established this is a good reminder. Success isn’t measured solely by material success, it is also measured by our faithfulness to the blessings God bestowed upon us. Success is found in proper stewardship of those blessings. May God continue to bless you, your business, and your clients. May you find success in faithfulness.
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