I love roller coasters! Seriously, I really love them. It brings out the kid in me. I am that guy when you go to the theme park I just want to keep riding them over and over again. My friends still make fun of me because, after a few rides they are like: “Yeah, I am not 10 anymore so I think I had enough.” I am the one saying: “Oh, come on guys! We have only hit the Batman and Superman rides. We haven’t even made it over to the Harry Potter rides yet. How could you even consider leaving the theme park without riding the Hogwarts Express?”
I know I can be a bit ridiculous and over the top. I still love roller coasters even though they now make me sore the next day. I am not as young as I used to be. I guess that is part of the reason I also love being an entrepreneur and building a coaching business. It is a bit like riding a roller coaster. You have ups, downs, corkscrews, flips, slow rises, freefalls, thrills, spills, risk, danger, rewards, and the occasional embarrassing photo along the way. There are also long lines but my guess if you are reading this then this isn’t your issue just yet. No worries. It isn’t mine just yet either.
The entrepreneurial journey is a roller coaster of a journey. There are no straight lines and no shortcuts unless of course, you have a fast pass. The closest thing I can think of to a fast pass is the Professional Christian Coaching Institute’s Successful Coach course.
I may be a glutton when it comes to roller coasters but the point of roller coasters is to enjoy the ride. This can be tough when you feel like your stomach is in your throat or you are like my friend who chugged some Butterbeer in Harry Potter World before riding a coaster. That didn’t go over so well. I’ll spare you the details. Don’t let the tough parts keep you from enjoying the fun.
Strap yourself in for the entrepreneurial coaching roller coaster journey, enjoy the ride, take a Sabbath when you get sore, and don’t forget to please drink your Butterbeer responsibly. May God bless you, keep you, and may He hold you in the palm of His hand. See you on the coaster!
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