Congratulations – you are off to a strong start! You said ‘Yes’ to starting NOW to prepare for your upcoming speaking event.
Right here is where it is wise to be careful.
The next step is researching your topic. That can be a blast. Coaches love to learn and have a literal world of information at their fingertips. Just Google it or click the mouse to download the latest book, podcast or blog. But when is enough, enough?
It is so tempting to gather more and more information – good, statistical, relevant, fascinating information. Precious hours spinning on a gathering merry-go-round can result in “too much fun.”
Unable to set boundaries you fall off the horse lost in a dizzy cloud of research. Have you found yourself there? No fun.
Say ‘Yes’ to setting boundaries on your research. Ask yourself these relevant coaching questions.
Real Time – How much time do you have to gather the research?
You already have the presentation date in your calendar. Now work backwards. A rearview look will give you the answer to how much time you actually have to gather information.
- You need time to rehearse your material.
- Time to write and edit the message.
- Time to gather research.
Focus – How have you kept your aim in focus?
- Write out the aim of your talk
- Keep it visibly in front of you at all times.
- Set in out on your desk
- Always type it at the top of your message document.
Mind-set – When is enough, enough?
You were simply asked to present some key points in a twenty-minute talk. You were not asked to become a subject matter expert. In your gathering, keep the number ‘one’ in mind. Keep it simple.
- One meaningful quote
- One riveting statistic
- One fun illustration
- One strong application question for your audience
Motive – What is the real motive behind this non-stop information gathering?
- Simply having fun?
- Avoiding getting down to the writing?
- Fear of not being good enough?
Ouch – tough questions but honesty prevents the fall.
Don’t get lost in the gathering of research. You will enjoy this experience far more if you set information boundaries. Which of the questions above will help you get off before you fall off?
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