We have trained some of the largest parachurch ministries and Christian-owned companies in the world, and are happy to create private and customized versions to meet your organizational needs.
Customized offerings enable us to incorporate your organization’s unique culture, and if you already have an ICF-certified coach within your organization, we can include that individual as a co-instructor!

What Others Are Saying
“PCCI is the exclusive trainer for our CEO group Chairs throughout the U.S. & Canada.”
Greg Leith
Chief Executive Officer

“PCCI is the only firm we trust to train our Halftime Coaches around the world.”
Jeff Spadafora
Director of Global Coaching Services
Halftime Minsistries

“With more than 6,000 adults and students in small groups, we are constantly looking for material that will help our staff team learn together, develop as leaders and better “coach” our coaches. This training has provided this and much more. It has challenged the way we view our role as leaders! I highly recommend it.”
Bill Willits
Director of Life Groups
North Point Community Church

“We have been blessed beyond measure by the partnership with PCCI, enabling our coaches to gain ICF credentials among a cohort of their colleagues.”
Brian Zaas, PCC & Debi Zaas, PCC
Co-Directors, Life & Leadership Coaching
The Navigators