Partnering with a Mentor Coach over an extended period of time is an effective and valuable way to sharpen your skills as a coach, while at the same time exploring and discovering your unique expression of the ICF Core Competencies.
While there are minimum requirements for mentor coaching as a part of the certification and/or credentialing process, we encourage students to cultivate this important partnership as an ongoing component of their support and development as a coach, beyond these minimum requirements.
According to the ICF, “Mentor Coaching for an ICF Credential consists of coaching and feedback in a collaborative, appreciative and dialogued process based on an observed or recorded coaching session to increase the coach’s capability in coaching, in alignment with the ICF Core Competencies.” (ICF)
Several of our PCCI Faculty members serve our students as trained and approved mentor coaches. Those wishing to become credentialed as a Certified Professional Life or Leadership Coach (CPLC), and those wishing to pursue ICF credentialing will need to contract directly with one of these PCCI-approved mentor coaches for at least the minimum required individual (1:1) hours.
The Mentor Coaching Packages include:
- Three one-hour individual (1:1) mentor coaching sessions by phone or zoom with a faculty member who is ICF-credentialed at the PCC or MCC level, focusing on the development and sharpening of your coaching skills according to the ICF Core Competencies.
- Immediate feedback on your strengths and areas for continued improvement.
- A letter of validation from your mentor coach that you can use to apply for CPLC certification.
The first bundle of 3 individual (1:1) mentor coaching hours is available to PCCI students at the following rates, effective January 1, 2023. Mentor coaching hours beyond these first 3 are subject to the rates of the individual mentor coaches (please discuss this with your potential mentors).
NOTE: Mentor Coaching rates for those who have NOT completed coursework at PCCI may differ from those below. Please ask the mentor for their non-PCCI students rates.
For Mentor Coaches holding an ICF PCC Credential:
- 3 individual (1:1) sessions, 1 hour each: $540.00
For Mentor Coaches holding an ICF MCC Credential:
- 3 individual (1:1) sessions, 1 hour each: $630.00
Individual mentor coaching services are contracted directly with the PCCI-approved faculty mentor, and payment is submitted to the mentor directly (not through PCCI). Click on the Faculty Mentors and Contact a Faculty Mentor tabs near the top of this page to view a list of mentors and to send contact requests.

Please fill out the form below to contact one of the faculty mentor coaches:
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Bryan Brown, MDiv, MCC
Bryan Brown, MDiv, MCC is the President and Founder of Coaching To Lead, LLC. With 25 years experience in developing leaders, Bryan enjoys increasing the capacity and confidence of emerging leaders as well as coaching established leaders to maximize their influence. Bryan also enjoys using his experience to work with teams on strategic planning and team development.
Bryan studied Human Resource Management at Samford University then received his M.Div. from Birmingham Theological Seminary. As a missionary, pastor, entrepreneur, husband and father, he has learned to apply the principles of Biblical leadership and team development in multiple contexts.
Bryan currently serves as the International Leadership Director at Perimeter Church in Atlanta, working with pastors and church leaders who seek to ignite movements of Life on Life Missional Discipleship around the world. In this role, he has the privilege to regularly train and coach leaders in Australia, South Africa, and Brazil among others.
Bryan also engages leaders through his private coaching practice,, to clarify and intentionally pursue their callings. His passion and experience is coming alongside leaders to accelerate their growth and influence, while at the same time maintaining their personal health and enjoying the opportunities before them.
He has been happily married to Jackie for 22 years. Together they have three children – Abbie, Lindsey and Barker – and live in Johns Creek, Georgia, a northern suburb of Atlanta.
Linda Hedberg, CPCC, PCC
Linda Hedberg is the author of The Complete Guide to Christian Coach Training, a unique resource that features top professional Christian coach training programs and helps Christians make effective decisions about entering the profession and choosing a training program. As an ICF credentialed coach, she is a coach and mentor to aspiring and new Christian coaches and provides information and resources at She is the presenter for the regularly scheduled Christian Coaching Network International teleseminar, “Becoming a Coach: What You Want to Know.”
Since her initial coach training in 2003, Linda has received certifications from three top Christian coach training programs. In her life and leadership coaching practice, Greater Purpose Coaching, she helps those asking “what’s next?” align their vision and plans with their unique purpose so they can have more meaning, satisfaction and joy.
Andrew Gorter, DMin, MCC
Andrew Gorter, D.Min., PCC is the owner of Plus One Coaching, LLC and has more than 25 years experience working with people to help them clarify what’s next for themselves and to take action to fulfill their calling and achieve their goals.
He is a trained and licensed as a Marriage and Family therapist and has practiced family therapy through a non-profit counseling practice he established in 2002. He is an expert in healthy interpersonal communication, and since establishing Plus One Coaching, LLC he has brought together his passion for coaching and his expertise in family therapy to establish a niche coaching family business leaders.
Throughout his career Andrew has endeavored to lead and serve people and organizations as they face necessary challenges to move forward and to do that in healthy creative ways. From his early career in pastoral ministry to his development of a non-profit counseling ministry and, most recently, Plus One Coaching, Andrew has gained a wealth of experience joining with people to solve problems.
Andrew and his wife, Karen, live in Holland, MI, near the beaches of Lake Michigan. They have two married daughters and three grandsons. He enjoys hiking, watercolor painting, reading and woodworking. He and Karen love just hanging out, especially in beach chairs with their toes in the sand. You can explore further at his website,
Brent O'Bannon, MCC
Brent O’Bannon is a MCC and the first GALLUP-Certified Strengths Coach in the world.
He coaches and leads entrepreneurial leaders, teams, coaches and multi-million dollar companies to maximize, mobilize, and monetize their strengths for Breakthrough success.
Brent teaches the PCCI Strengths Based Coaching course and is a recent Amazon #1 best-selling author of Selling Strengths: A Little Book for Executive and Life Coaches About Using Your Strengths to Get Paying Client. His vision is to champion strengths for global excellence.
He’s a top rated StrengthsFinder keynote speaker & workshop facilitator who is playful, engaging and insightful on strengths based application. Brent has delivered workshops onsite and online to more than 100+ organizations around the world.
Some of his raving fans include Harley Davidson, Microsoft, Cigna, Kaiser Permanente, Novartis, Shire, Merck, Vistage, Convene, Hydrotex, and Dow Chemical.
As a follow up to his workshop programs, Brent offers a Strengths Champion Train-the-Trainer program for companies who want to create an engaged strengths-based organization from the inside out.
He earned an MBS from Southeastern Oklahoma State University, is a Licensed Professional Counselor & Convene, Vistage, and Achieve Global Certified speaker.
Brent enjoys workations and being a foodie with his wife Rhonda, team tennis, golf, and giving back to non-profit organizations.
Explore Brent’s website: and
Steve Cromer, DMin, PCC, CPLC, CELDC, CBBSC

An entrepreneur from his childhood days, Steve launched Steve Cromer Coaching, Inc in 2013 while still a student at PCCI. While growing this life and leadership coaching company to a six-figure business in less than two years, one of Steve’s clients – a restaurant chain called Eggs Up Grill – so impressed him that he bought a franchise that he operates with his wife alongside of his coaching practice!
Steve enjoys leading workshops for churches, state agencies, and for a number of companies, including Edward Jones Investments, as well as companies in the areas of manufacturing, medicine and education (these feed his ever-present preaching/teaching bug).
He is credentialed as Professional Certified Coach (PCC), and is also a Certified Executive and Leadership Development Coach and a Certified Brain-Based Success Coach from ICF accredited schools. As an Authorized Partner of Everything DiSC and a certified administrator of the Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis, Steve uses these powerful tools to create awareness and further learning with individuals and teams.
Steve holds a doctorate from Erskine Seminary in the area of Bowen Family Systems Theory and Trinitarian Theology. He completed clinical work at Duke University Medical Center, Wake Medical Center, and Virginia Baptist Hospital. He currently resides in Rock Hill, SC with his wife, Geneva. They have four sons, three daughters-in-law, and five grandchildren.
Visit his coaching website at: and come eat at his restaurant!
Todd Kemp, MCC
Todd Kemp, PCC is Principal of NorthWise Group (, a leadership growth coaching and facilitating firm that inspires leaders to ignite flourishing. Todd is a Professional Certified Coach and also serves as a Chair for Convene (, a peer advisory group of Christian CEOs and Business Owners.
After a 12-year career of systems engineering and management roles at a Fortune 150 technology company, and earning considerable scar tissue from 3 different entrepreneurial ventures including a business brokerage, a software firm, and a retail disaster, Todd sensed a clear calling in 2008 to coach business leaders who wish to grow exceptional organizations and honor God with their leadership.
A graduate of Stanford University, Todd is married to his college sweetheart, Julianne. They have two children and live near Denver, Colorado where Todd enjoys mountain biking and hiking in the majestic Rockies, investing time with family, and being a lifelong learner.
Cindy Schmelzenbach, MCC
Cindy Schmelzenbach is an ICF Professional Certified Coach, a Professional Certified Life and Leadership Coach through PCCI, a Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach and a Conversational Intelligence® Enhanced Practitioner. She also has a Master of Arts in Human Services Counseling and serves on faculty at PCCI.
Cindy and Harmon, her husband of 38 years, believe in fully engaging life, wherever God invites them, every moment, every day. They’ve spent 19 years in successful entrepreneurial businesses in the US and Caribbean and another 19 years internationally in cross-cultural leadership roles within a global ministry organization. Their passion for wholistic health and enhanced team dynamics moved Cindy to develop a Member Care initiative which she then successfully launched and coordinated across 46 countries in the Asia Pacific region. In addition, while serving as Internal Coach, Cindy facilitated coach training for international leaders across Asia Pacific and played a major role in the development and cultivation of a coaching culture within the organization.
“I am passionate about co-creating a space where powerful things happen that simply may not happen anywhere else!” Whether in one-on-one or group coaching contexts, clients discover the next steps in their journey to resilience, authenticity and thriving. Cindy is privileged to partner with clients who range from individuals quietly changing their world to public leaders who influence thousands with their decisions.Her current practice includes Life Coaching, Strengths® Coaching, Team or Group Coaching, and ICF Mentor Coaching.
Kris Kelso, PCC
Kris Kelso, PCC is an entrepreneur who has founded and run multiple companies in the technology and healthcare industries. Today, he works primarily as an executive coach, a keynote speaker, and a contributing author for publications including Fast Company, Yahoo Finance, and The Nashville Business Journal.
His book, “Overcoming The Impostor: Silence Your Inner Critic and Lead with Confidence“, offers entrepreneurs and leaders a practical look at impostor syndrome, and explores that inner voice that downplays our own accomplishments while amplifying those of others.
Kris has coached and consulted with hundreds of entrepreneurs, business owners, and their leadership teams. He is an advisor and instructor at the Nashville Entrepreneur Center and has served on the boards of directors of several non-profit organizations.
He is an active member of Cornerstone Nashville, where he serves, teaches, and coaches other leaders. He lives with his wife and three teenaged sons in a suburb of Nashville, Tennessee.
Jordan Mercedes, MCC
Jordan Mercedes is the founder of Jordan Mercedes, LLC Coach Training for Mission Inspired Coaches & Leaders, she knows that every leader has a vision, sometimes they need a little help & support to get there! Jordan believes the power and impact of coaching can change a company, a city or even a nation. She enjoys helping leaders and coaches use coaching skills to move their people, projects and missions forward. She is the creator of Leaders Coach Forward training for C-Level leaders. Jordan is a program developer who often helps her clients create progressive workshops & live events for the demographic they serve. She is the author of two 30-hour curricula approved by the ICF for entry level coach training & development.
In her dedication to support women in their personal/professional growth and development she speaks for various organizations and churches. She’s known for her fun and inspiring presentations such as The Flight Plan, Love in the Workplace and Greet the Gift.
Jordan comes from a family of ministers and was herself ordained in 2014 by Servant Ministries. She is a life-long student of coaching and believes a great instructor never stops being a dedicated student. She’s an accomplished glass artist and will tell you that she has the best family, friends and clients in the world. She is the newly appointed President of 31 Crowns Unusual Leadership Development.
Scott Frickenstein, PhD, PCC
Scott was raised in northern Wisconsin and grew up loving to learn and lead. He was selected to attend the U.S. Air Force Academy, and it was his honor to be an Air Force officer for over 25 years. Scott served in several C-level, higher education, and analytical roles and retired as a colonel after leading thousands of Airmen. During his military journey, God enabled Scott to earn advanced degrees and publish scholarly articles in several academic disciplines.
During a post-military sabbatical, Scott remembered that one of his military callsigns was “Coach.” He’s always had a heart for helping people discover and reach their personal and professional potential. Scott was deeply impacted by many coaches, mentors, and teachers, so he’s devoted his “second half” to being a developer of leaders in our increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex, and adaptive context.
Now, it’s Scott’s honor & privilege to hold time and space for leaders to process the stirrings in their hearts and experience significant transformations in their being, belonging, and becoming. He brings a learner’s mindset and pastor’s heart when he focuses with leaders on what matters most to them. Scott’s clients—some of whom are coaches themselves—are encouraged and empowered by the times they spend together. He launched Leading by Design to invest in leaders from the faith-based nonprofit realm, and he’s also humbled by the opportunity to work with leaders from many other domains thru WeAlign Coaching. In addition to coaching individuals, couples, and teams, Scott speaks on topics related to leader development.
Scott is married to Kristi; they are blessed with two grown sons and live near Jacksonville, FL. Scott enjoys leading small groups, learning, fitness, and many outdoor activities.
Pamela Mertz, PCC, CPLC
Pamela Mertz, CPLC, PCC is the President and Founder of BluePrint Life Coaching, LLC. She brings over 35 years of experience as a business owner and strategist in the high-tech electronics industry and earned her coach certification during her transition into the coaching field. She is trained by PCCI and Dartmouth Institute Microsystems Academy as a certified Quality Improvement Coach for healthcare and is also a certified Strengths Finders Coach.
Pamela is an active member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and Christian Coaching Network (CCN) and sits on the Board of Directors of Promised Land Living, a nonprofit, national ministry. She also has served in various leadership roles in other for profit and nonprofit sectors which has brought her much experience and national networking, including the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. She has lead women’s ministry for over 20 years in her local church and is a licensed pastor in the state of Minnesota. Her passions are studying the Word of God, sharing what God is actively doing in her life, coaching those looking for insight into the “more” and “next” that God has for them. Her many faceted experiences in life have given her depth and discernment, and most of all, deep intimacy with Father God. Her belief that coaching is the fastest way to move forward aligns perfectly with her gifting to encourage and equip others.
She is the mother of 3 grown sons and lives with her husband in Minnesota.
Michael Pfau, MEd, PCC, CPCC
Michael Pfau is a life, leadership, and executive coach with over twenty years experience delivering transformational coaching to business and individual clients. Michael founded Crossways Life Coaching, LLC in 2002 after serving 16 years as assistant pastor of a church he co-founded in Philadelphia. Michael’s initial work focused primarily on helping individuals discern next steps in their professional career. This work led clients to take significant steps in achieving their dreams or adjust their current job role to align with their values and life mission.
Michael went on to enter the field of Coach Training at the Institute for Life Coach Training in 2008 and later had a part in supporting the launch of the Professional Christian Coaching Institute in 2010 through curriculum development where he currently serves on the faculty. He is a designated Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and has mentored over 250 coaches to achieve their ICF ACC or PCC credential.
Crossways Life Coaching has grown into an international coaching business whose clients are literally changing the world. Michael is passionate about equipping others in distinctly Christian coaching to empower them in fulfilling God’s call on their lives and businesses. For more information, visit his website at
Sean McKelvey, PCC, CPLC
Sean McKelvey, PCC, CPLC, is the President and Founder of New Culture Coaching. LLC and serves as the Associate Director of Navigators Life and Leadership Coaching. Within The Navigators, Sean is helping expand a coaching presence in more than 20 countries crossing all continents with a goal of equipping leaders through a coach approach to achieve the God-sized goal of raising up 1 million disciples in the next 10 years. Sean has been equipping the next generation of leaders for 16 years with The Navigators. He is passionate about helping leaders grow and develop to impact their communities around them.
Sean started New Culture Coaching to guide clients through a proven process to unlock their potential and free them from hindrances so they can relentlessly pursue their passions and dreams. Sean is passionate about coaching leaders toward transformative leadership, coaching couples to thrive in their marriages, and helping men find freedom from sexual brokenness.
Sean loves the LORD and believes that who God says we are, is so key to living full and free in HIM. Sean has been married for 15 years to his wife Andrea, they have two beautiful children Nayelli and Caelan and live in Colorado Springs, CO. Sean and Andrea love to help couples thrive in their marriages. Sean loves the outdoors, running, biking, and coaching soccer.
Nancy Lopez, PCC
Nancy is a former C-Level executive who worked for Xerox Corporation for 28 years. She has a diverse background in Human Resources and is a Certified Professional Leadership, Life and Career Management Coach and carries the ICF Professional Certified Coach designation (PCC).
Nancy’s demonstrated impact around leadership and career development with corporate professionals has led her to specialize her practice, NDL Leadership, LLC as a professional leadership and career transition coach and consultant. She has the reputation as a trusted partner and confidant who is approachable and credible.
Nancy’s coaching philosophy aligns with the belief that the client has the potential inside to become who they were created to be. Coaching is about co-creating an environment where the client can safely explore the reality they seek to lead their life and others with meaning, purpose and impact. Nancy helps leaders catch their breath so they can get clear on what matters most to confidently navigate the challenge they face. Lead Well, Live Well.
A native Floridian and graduate of both Stetson University and Penn State University, Nancy resides in the Greater Rochester, NY area with her husband, Wayne and their two children, Nathan and Catherine. Nancy has a passion for immersing herself in God’s creation through hanging out at the beach, travel, long walks, bird watching, sunrises, sunsets, good food, great espresso, and savoring moments with her family and friends.
You can learn more about Nancy at and LinkedIn

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