What if you hosted a party and nobody came? You cleaned house, cooked for days, and baked a magnificent cake. But no one was there to enjoy the fun.
That’s exactly what many coaches are doing online. They spend months building a website, weeks composing clever words, days choosing just the right images, and hours devoted to prayer.
But no one comes.
Marketing Challenges
Marketing presents unique challenges for introverts. For the introverted coach, being the center of attention is uncomfortable and networking groups are exhausting.
For many introverts, undergoing a root canal is more appealing than grabbing someone, telling him what you do, convincing him of the benefits of coaching and then closing the deal. (Actually, that’s hard for most extroverts as well.)
If only there were a way to get people to your website from the comfort and safety of your own home.
Guess what? There is!
The Introvert’s Key to Success
Here’s how it works. Each time you write a blog post, it creates a new page on the Internet. Thus, if you blog just once a week, by the end of one year you will have 52 new pages (invitations) that Google will find, index and display to your potential clients. If you blog three times a week, you’ll have over 150 opportunities for people to find you, and the party begins to grow.
Guests read your fascinating content, browse your website, and discover information about how coaching can work for them.
Their awareness and interest are piqued.
Some will find the information they need in your blog posts and go on their merry way. But others, your ideal clients, will want even more of what you have to offer.
Instead of chasing clients, they are coming to you. In fact, companies that blog have 55 percent more web visitors than those who don’t. Fifty-five percent! Those numbers are too good to ignore.
But wait, there’s more.
Benefits of Blogging
As a blogger…
- You gain expert status in your niche
- You build ongoing relationships with repeat visitors
- You create valuable content you can use in a variety of ways
- You attract strategic partnerships, resulting in a powerful synergy that yields on-going results.
And all of this can lead to more clients. And you never have to leave home to do it!
Of course, blogging isn’t a complete marketing strategy all by itself. You will need to pursue some out-of-the-house activities as well. And it’s important to know that blogging results don’t come overnight.
But for the introverted coach, blogging is a great way to get clients to come to you.
Go ahead. Start a blog. Send out a continual stream of invitations, and let the party begin.
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