“Each of us has a mission in life,” says Christian theologian Henri J.M. Nouwen in Bread for the Journey. “One of the most important spiritual disciplines is to develop the knowledge that the years of our lives are years ‘on a mission.’”
For the Christian coach, knowing and fulfilling your life’s mission is vital to your success; because for the Christian coach, success is being about our Father’s business.
Consider the Kingdom impact you can make as a Christian coach:
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- Knowing and fulfilling your mission brings glory and honor to God
- Knowing and fulfilling your mission furthers God’s Kingdom not only in your life but also in the lives of your clients
- Knowing and fulfilling your mission yields eternal fruit and rewards
- Knowing and fulfilling your mission satisfies your soul and nourishes the souls of others
As we become more and more clear about who we are and what we are here on this earth to do, we will grow more and more successful.
Knowing Your Mission Gives You Clarity
In John 17:18, Jesus prays these words for his followers: “As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world” (John 17:18). Just as Jesus brought glory to the Father by fulfilling His life’s mission, so, too, must we.
“We seldom realize fully that we are sent to fulfill God-given tasks,” explains Nouwen. “We act as if we choose how, where, and with whom to live. . . But we were sent into the world by God, just as Jesus was [emphasis mine]. Once we start living our lives with that conviction, we will soon know what we were sent to do.”
Regardless of where we are in fulfilling our life’s mission; we can know with certainty that God calls us to:
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- Serve the Body of Christ through excellence in coaching
- Discover the details of your mission with enthusiasm and help your clients discover theirs
- Pray for guidance and discernment and step out in faith, relying on God to equip you for the journey
- Rest in the knowledge that God will meet your needs in Christ Jesus
As you embrace your calling, you can break through barriers of fear, doubt, and self-imposed limitations. Moreover, you will find yourself on the road to success.
Knowing Your Mission Gives You Courage
Recently, I received a message from my daughter Brett Beeson that touched me deeply. Brett, a 21-year-old midshipman at the U.S. Naval Academy, has spent the last few months in Oman studying their language, customs, and culture while developing close relationships and ties.
She wrote:
I was so upset last night about leaving Oman in just ten days and praying about how to best use my time here … and this morning God answered my prayers and showed me my mission in life. It may not be in the way I like it; it so rarely is. …But this morning for one of the first times, I truly felt it fit me like a glove and I accepted it — my mission is to spread truth and understanding. It is as simple and complex as that. It is to spread the light of truth in a world of rhetoric, darkness, and hate, and a mission such as that deserves any effort or pain on my part. Anything.
Bret’s mission is still unfolding. However, lives are changing as Brett steps into her God-given calling one day at a time.
The same holds true for you. Even as your mission continues to unfold, you can know with certainty that you, too, will change lives through Christian coaching.
Coach the Coach:
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- What steps can you take today to know your mission and fulfill the work God has given you to do?
- What steps can you take today to achieve success as a Christian coach?
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