Sometimes I don’t like it, this work-from-home business.
Sometimes the “good ole days” seem so much better . . .
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- When direct deposits magically appeared in my bank account
- When witty, creative colleagues worked and laughed with me in person
- When I carried a briefcase and wore high heels
I reminisce from time to time because, for the most part, I really enjoyed my various careers!
I wasn’t a victim of downsizing. I wasn’t “let go.” I left my last position so I could be more available to my 16-year-old twin daughters and because I felt called to begin a new life chapter as a home-based, faith-based, service-providing entrepreneur.
But I didn’t know what that meant exactly.
I didn’t realize I’d have to
Dig down deep to discover my true passion and purpose
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- Dive even deeper to discern a profitable niche
- Become my own CEO, IT geek, and QuickBooks® expert
- Do most of my own PR
- Master my mindset
I remember, even as a mother of toddler twins, wondering what people were talking about when they’d say, “Motherhood. The hardest job you’ll ever love.” I never understood that comment as I’ve been blessed with children who’ve been a breeze to raise. Motherhood for me has been a natural extension of who I am at my core.
Not so entrepreneurship.
In many ways, being a work-from-home entrepreneur goes against all of my inborn tendencies. Now that my daughters and stepchildren are grown, the bulk of my day-to-day, face-to-face interaction is with my three faithful canines. God bless ‘em.
No more team meetings. No more brainstorming over coffee. No more birthday cakes or breakfast bagels or retirement celebrations. No more grabbing a quick lunch with colleagues.
If you have introverted tendencies, you might be thinking, “Sounds good to me.” If you’re an extrovert, however, you know exactly what I’m talking about.
Being a home-based entrepreneur can be lonely!
So how do we manage? Better question. How do we excel?
Lessons from a Faith-Based Entrepreneur
This is what I’ve learned over the past four years. Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, you must:
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- Get crystal clear on your calling/mission/purpose, including whom you want to serve and how you want to serve them.
- Decide that you will persevere and succeed.
- Find mentors who will help guide you through the jungle—people you trust who are ahead of you on the entrepreneurial journey.
- Surround yourself with a community of upbeat people—a team who will support and offer you critical feedback.
- Get out from behind your computers and connect socially with others in person.
- Choose or create a system to deliver your goods and services.
- Make sure you fill your mind and heart with inspiration by reading and listening to your favorite authors, speakers, teachers, and music on a daily basis.
- Get together often with creative, like-minded business owners for support, encouragement, and brainstorming.
- Attend a few “live events” a year to reinforce your learning and ignite or reignite your passion.
- Affirm each and every day that, by being faithful to your calling, you’re blessing the people you’re meant to bless with your unique gifts, strengths, message, and talents.
Four Tips for Emerging Entrepreneurs
If I could offer only one key point for each year I’ve been in business, I’d tell emerging entrepreneurs to:
- Know your purpose for life and business.
- Work with a coach/mentor whom you trust.
- Become part of a team.
- Stay connected to God for divine guidance, strength, and inspiration.
Home-based entrepreneurship. It’s the hardest job you’ll ever LOVE!
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