In his popular book, The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It, Michael E. Gerber writes, “Everybody who goes into business is actually three-people-in-one: The Entrepreneur, The Manager, and the Technician.
The Entrepreneur is the dreamer, the visionary, the creative, Gerber says. She lives in a world of possibilities and “what-ifs.”
In coaching, the entrepreneurial personality focuses on ideas and concepts. “Imagine the impact the church could have if Christian churches and organizations adopted a coaching culture,” she says. Before she’s even launched her business, she’s mentally equipping and mobilizing teams through coaching to serve the poor in her community.
The Manager is pragmatic. Focused on the practicalities of running a business, she is the one who goes to Staples and buys piles of color-coded folders and notebooks to organize her office.
Armed with stacks of yellow legal pads, she creates never-ending lists of systems and processes, stopping only when she runs out of paper. On the bulletin board above her desk, hangs a plaque that says, “A place of everything and everything in its place.”
The Technician is the one who gets things done, Gerber explains. She writes the website copy, creates the welcome packet, and orders the business cards and stationery. She sets up QuickBooks for accounting and enters clients’ names and addresses. Her business has only been up and running for a few months, and she’s already exhausted.
For a coaching business to thrive, The Entrepreneur, The Manager, and The Technician must all find their rightful place.
To learn more about the critical roles each of these individuals play in your business, sign up for the next offering of the Accidental Entrepreneur, offered through the Professional Christian Coaching Institute.
Visit the PCCI website to learn more.
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